Issue - meetings

Heritage Services Business Plan 2014-2019

Meeting: 14/05/2014 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Heritage Services Business Update pdf icon PDF 68 KB

The report seeks Cabinet approval for: the Fashion Museum Forward Plan; further investigation into extending the VAG to contribute to the Guildhall Market redevelopment; and the capital budget for the Beau Street Hoard project in the Council’s Capital Programme for 2014/15 and 2015/16


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Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones in a statement reminded the Cabinet that he had previously presented a petition to Cabinet relating to free entry for local residents.  He had been delighted to see the recent scheme allowing free entry for those under-21 plus some other good initiatives.  He asked Cabinet however to ensure the future of the gallery.  He felt that it was not only an educational and leisure asset, but was an important tourism asset too.

Councillor Ben Stevens, in proposing the item, said he wanted to be very clear – the Victoria Art Gallery would not close on his watch.  There had been a small drop in visitor numbers but that did not threaten the viability of the gallery.  It was a good museum, run well.  He was particularly complimentary about the crucial role played by Stephen Bird (Head of Heritage Services) in attracting tourists to the heritage sites and his work in bringing the Beau Street Horde into public display.  He also mentioned Stephen’s work in extending the educational facilities under the Roman Baths, his infectious love of the Bath heritage and the fact that a benefit of £55 per Council Tax payer was generated by the Heritage Service.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposals.  He agreed with Councillor Stevens about the debt of thanks owed to Stephen Bird and his team for delivering such longstanding success across a wide range of attractions.  He expressed great disappointment that Councillor Anketell-Jones had spoken of the possible closure of the Victoria Art Gallery.  He emphasised in the strongest terms that this was not a possibility and asked Councillor Anketell-Jones to support the gallery’s long term future by the things that he said.

Councillor David Dixon said that he had recently found it necessary to explain to a local resident that far from closing the Victoria Art Gallery, the Cabinet was investing in it.  He reminded the meeting that local residents can gain free access to the gallery and many other attractions by showing their Discovery Card.  He told the Cabinet that he had recently had a glimpse of the tunnels under the Roman Baths and he was excited about what was planned.

On a motion from Councillor Ben Stevens, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE the provisional out-turn for Heritage Services for 2013/14;

(2) To APPROVE the Fashion Museum Forward Plan;

(3) To APPROVE further investigation into extending the Victoria Art Gallery into the void behind it to enable it to make a positive contribution to the Guildhall market redevelopment project; and

(4) To APPROVE the capital budget for the Beau Street Hoard project in the Council’s Capital Programme for 2014/15 and 2015/16 in the amounts of £203k and £17k respectively, and note the technical adjustment made to the capital budget for this project in 2013/14 to reflect grant-funded spend.
