Issue - meetings

Policy and Delegations for the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013

Meeting: 12/02/2014 - Cabinet (Item 119)

119 Policy and Delegations for the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

The Scrap Metal Dealers Act introduces a new licensing scheme.  This report recommends that the function is delegated to the Divisional Director (Environmental Services), and the Council's Licensing Committee.


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Councillor Laming in ad hoc statement said that because of the flooding he now owned a sunken barge and almost 70 feet of steel from a pontoon. He wondered whether he needed to apply for a licence as a scrap metal dealer under this legislation. Councillor Crossley responded that the definition of a scrap metal dealer could be found on agenda page 226.


Councillor Jackson in an ad hoc statement welcomed this legislation. She said that metal theft had been increasing nationally and referred to thefts of metal from churches, which were particularly vulnerable. She was disappointed that the Council had not been in a position to implement the legislation as soon as it came into force last October. She was very pleased with the proposed licensing system, which would be able to deal with people in the scrap business who had criminal records.


Councillor Dixon in proposing the item, acknowledged that the legislation was being implemented a couple of months late. The new regime would replace the previous simple registration system. All work relating to the policy would be delegated to one Divisional Director. All dealers within the B&NES area would have to hold a licence.


Councillor Allen seconded the proposal. He said the legislation brought new responsibilities for council officers, who would be ready to act when they needed to.


Councillor Crossley said that this was an excellent piece of legislation. Thefts from churches were inconveniences, but thefts from railways and other places put people’s lives at risk. Most people in the scrap metal business were trading lawfully; this legislation was aimed at those who were not.


On a motion from Councillor David Dixon, seconded by Councillor Allen, it was RESOLVED (unanimously)


(1)  to accept the Scrap Metal Dealers Policy provided in Appendix A to the report;


(2)  to note and agree the fees associated with the function provided in paragraph 5.6 of the report;


(3)  to recommend to delegate to the Divisional Director Environmental Services;


a.  the administration and enforcement of the function;

b.  the power to request further information of applicants;

c.  to review and amend the fees on an annual basis;

d.  to determine applications (including refusal), revoke licences, or impose conditions under Section 3(8);

e.  the power to issue or cancel a closure notice for unlicensed sites, and where appropriate, to apply for closure orders (Schedule 2) and take such other action in this respect as may be required; and

f.  to note that Council will be asked to delegate the function to the Licensing Committee when the power to do so is available.
