Issue - meetings

Voluntary sector funding applications for community transport 2014/5

Meeting: 12/02/2014 - Cabinet (Item 118)

118 Voluntary sector funding applications for community transport 2014/5 pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Cabinet will be asked to consider applications from voluntary sector bodies for funding to continue the provision of community transport services in 2014/5


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Councillor Roberts in proposing the item said that Bath Dial-a-Ride was operated by the Council’s in-house transport team, but the others were provided by independent groups. The funding proposed would allow services to be maintained for the first part of 2014, after which new service level agreements would be negotiated with a view to maintaining the same services with roughly the same costs. There had been a 7% growth in the use of these services and cost per passenger had fallen.


Councillor Romero seconded the proposal and said that these were not statutory services, but the funding provided demonstrated the Council’s commitment to helping people live independently.


Councillor Allen said that these services were important to counter loneliness, which was an objective of the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy. These services helped people get out of their own homes, which promoted wellbeing. He said there was a need for additional drivers in Bath.


Councillor Crossley said that the Council had provided long-term support for these schemes. There had been a growth in ridership, which demonstrated that it was worth promoting these schemes. Keynsham Dial-a-Ride had recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and recruited its 1000th member.


On a motion from Councillor Roberts, seconded by Councillor Romero, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1)  that funding proposals in Appendix 2 of the report be approved, subject to decision of the Council on the budget for 2014/15; and


(2)  that the Divisional Director for Environmental Services be given delegated powers to reallocate funds, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, from approved projects that become unviable owing to the level of funding allocated or to a change in circumstances of the applicant group, should such situations arise during the year.
