Issue - meetings

Urban Gulls - Scrutiny Inquiry Day

Meeting: 27/11/2013 - Planning, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 44)

44 Urban Gulls - Scrutiny Inquiry Day pdf icon PDF 31 KB

A Scrutiny Inquiry Day is a mechanism for a short single topic scrutiny, used where a formal panel meeting may not be as effective or appropriate, or to review progress in an area which has already been the subject of scrutiny work.


It is standard practice for Policy Development & Scrutiny Panels to invite people with relevant experience or knowledge to give information, expert opinion or advice. Such experts may be Council officers, outside agencies, academics, voluntary organisations, community or campaign groups, local residents, service users etc.


How will the Scrutiny Inquiry Day achieve an impact?


There are two main aims of Scrutiny Inquiry Days. These are to:

  enhance understanding of an issue that involves many organisations, in addition to the Council

  develop recommendations for an inclusive and positive way forward.


Given that the scrutiny methodology more often than not involves bringing together practitioners and strategic-level staff from different sectors, scrutiny activities may also have a lasting beneficial effect beyond their immediate aims. These benefits include facilitating communication and co-operation between jointly interested parties on a topic or issue.


Additional documents:




The Chair of the Panel, Councillor Marie Longstaff welcomed everybody and gave an overview of what would take place during the day.


She informed those present that presentations would be delivered by the following individuals / groups;


Kirsten Elliott, local resident and joint organiser of the Single Inquiry Day


Statements from the Public


Current situation and the powers we have to take action


Councillor David Dixon, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Cath Humphries, Neighbourhood Environmental Manager, B&NES


Peter Rock, Ornithologist


Cllr Geoff Ward


Andrew Cooper, Bath Business Improvement District Manager


Experiences of other authorities


Carlisle Council


Julie Wight, Gloucester City Council, for the Severn Estuary Gull Group


Facilitated workshop


What can we all do to tackle the urban gull problem in Bath?



Copies of these presentations will be available on the Panel’s Minute Book and on the Council’s internet pages.



The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and explained that the Panel’s recommendations would be submitted to their January 14th 2014 meeting.
