Issue - meetings

Welfare Reform Report

Meeting: 17/03/2014 - Resources Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 71)

71 Welfare Reform - Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report on Welfare Reform is attached.



Ian Savigar, Divisional Director for Customer Services, introduced the report and also introduced the Panel to Helen Holbrooke from the Department of Work and Pensions who attended part of the meeting.


Council Tax Support Scheme (paragraph 3)


The Divisional Director reported that he had been concerned about collection rates but they had in fact held up.


Social Fund (paragraph 4)


The Divisional Director explained the difference between the emergency support and non-emergency support. He reported that there had been no overspend on the social fund and that it continues at the same level next year. Councillor Bull expressed his support for this continuation.


Councillor Macrae asked if social landlords realize that the Council supports people struggling to pay rent. The Divisional Director explained that the Council works closely with Curo and shares data around arrears. He reported that a lot of people who are struggling are not on benefits.


Size Criteria (paragraph 5)


The Divisional Director explained that the cases had reduced, some people had been supported. Mike Chedzoy, Housing Services Manager, reported that a lot of people have not moved through choice.


Universal Credit (UC) (paragraph 8)


Helen Holbrooke, Department of Work and Pensions, explained that UC had landed in Bath on 24th February. She reported that there had been a mainly positive response and of the 50 customers in receipt of UC, some had already gone back into work.


Councillor Bull asked why UC lead to more people getting back into work. Helen Holbrooke explained that it is easier than under the old system, under UC it is worthwhile to take on hours of work.


Councillor Bull asked if the online support would continue after the pilot. The Divisional Director explained that the pilot had finished but that support can be provided.


Councillor Gerrish explained that he has been helping his son through the process and the authority (not this authority) has insisted that everything is done online which is ill advised. He stated that he hoped that this authority would not do this. Helen Holbrooke explained that, of the current cohort, most people can claim online but clearly there needs to be additional support as scheme widens. Councillor Macrae asked for reassurance that the Hollies and Keynsham have similar support available as Bath. The Divisional Director confirmed this and stated that support may also need to be wider for example, in libraries.


Housing Services (paragraph 9)


Mike Chedzoy, Housing Services Manager, explained that the key function is advice and dealing with homeless. He reported an increase in single homeless rough sleepers.


Councillor Macrae asked if speculative housing developers are aware of the size of houses that are actually needed, he asked if there should be greater provision of single person residences and bungalows. He stated that plans should be matched to housing need. The officer stated that there is a conversation on details with social housing providers.


Councillor Gerrish pointed to the possession notices and stated that everybody needs to live somewhere. The officer stated that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71
