Issue - meetings

Policy Development and Scrutiny Recommendations - Urban Gulls

Meeting: 14/01/2014 - Planning, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 54)

54 Urban Gulls - Draft Recommendations pdf icon PDF 70 KB

The purpose of the review was engaging businesses, residents and visitors, and other public sector agencies, in taking responsibility for the issues and causes of high numbers of urban gulls. This report introduces the findings of the review.


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The Policy Development & Scrutiny Lead Officer introduced the item to the Panel. She stated that over 50 people attended the meeting held in November and represented a wide range of sources. She added that a great deal of information was received on the day and workshops were undertaken in the afternoon to provoke suggestions of what to do next.


She said that in the time since the meeting officers had met with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Panel to form the recommendations presented today.


She added that the lead Cabinet Member for the review, Councillor David Dixon had agreed to a shorter response time of 4 weeks in an attempt to speed up the process of delivery.


Councillor Lisa Brett said that the Council should promote the legal rights and responsibilities that businesses and property owners have in relation to gulls.


The Policy Development & Scrutiny Lead Officer replied that recommendation 4.2 could be strengthened.


The Chair thanked her for all her hard work and said that she felt more informed at the conclusion of the day. She added that she wanted the work to be seen as very much a joint responsibility document.


The Policy Development & Scrutiny Lead Officer replied that she could elaborate that point further in recommendation 5.1.


Councillor Geoff Ward stated that it must be a co-ordinated plan that involves residents, traders and property owners. He added that the risk of economic damage to the city should not be taken lightly. He also asked for officers to log calls from the public on incidents involving gulls.


Councillor David Martin commented that he felt it was a very good report and asked for the recommendations to be strengthened slightly.


Recommendation 1.1 – Replace ‘Encourage’ with Require.


Recommendation 2.1 – Replace ‘Encourage’ with Urge.


He also questioned whether the section of the report entitled Resource Implications should say none and felt that some level of funding would be required over the next six months.


The Divisional Director for Environmental Services replied that following this meeting talks will take place with the Cabinet Member and officers regarding the recommendations and then a better idea will be known regarding the funding of any future work.


Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones asked if a licence was required for either individuals or the Council to intervene personally with the gulls.


The Neighbourhood Environment Manager replied that land owners were able to apply for such a licence.


Councillor Lisa Brett commented that it was her understanding that no licence was required if you operate within the terms of the General License.


The Chair summed up by saying that the recommendations would be strengthened following comments from the Panel and it would be emphasised that joined up action is required. She added that the information relating to licences should be made available to the public.


The Policy Development & Scrutiny Lead Officer said it was intended that the Cabinet response would be back by February 14th and then discussed at the next Panel meeting on March  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54
