Issue - meetings

Bath Transport Strategy

Meeting: 14/01/2014 - Planning, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 53)

Bath Transport Strategy Update

The Group Manager for Planning Policy & Transport will update the Panel verbally at the meeting regarding this item.



Mr David Redgewell, South West Transport Network addressed the Panel.


He said that part of the strategy must include bus priority measures on the Lower Bristol Road. He also called for bus shelters to be improved across the Council and said that residents should not be allowed to veto this work, such as dropped kerbs or shelters.


He said that he expected the Council’s transport links to be debated heavily at the Core Strategy hearings and urged work to be pursued on an East of Bath Park & Ride and Saltford Train Station as soon as possible.


He also asked the Panel to read and comment upon the West of England Strategic Economic Plan.


The Chair asked for clarification as to whether the Panel could comment upon the Plan.


The Divisional Director for Planning and Transport replied that the West of England Joint Scrutiny Committee were due to debate the Plan later in the month and advised that Councillor Brett was a member of the committee and so Panel members could feed their comments through to her. He added that LEP funding would be sought as a result of the Plan.


Councillor Brett commented that she was happy to convey comments from the Panel to the Joint Scrutiny Committee.


The Divisional Director for Planning and Transport introduced the item to the Panel. He explained that the Joint Local Transport Plan was still in existence and that this piece of work would focus on Bath issues because of its planned growth. He added that it would look to identify key investment areas, such as car parking, bus improvements and cycle provision.


He commented that the Council had only scratched the surface of their Public Realm work and said that as a significant number of residents walk to work, could this made any easier for them?


He informed them that a vision would be produced as part of this work and that consultation across all relevant departments was key.


He stated that transport solutions were required in the advent of 9,000 new jobs within the city and that the Council would work with a number of agencies, including First Bus to identify improvements.


The Chair asked when any consultation on the strategy would take place.


The Divisional Director for Planning and Transport replied that it was planned to take place in the Spring in conjunction with the Enterprise Masterplan.


Councillor Geoff Ward if the vision of the strategy was going to be big enough. He also commented that rail links to London must be improved and that the strategy must gain cross Council support.


The Divisional Director for Planning and Transport replied that he did think the vision would be big enough and emphasised that this strategy was to be more precise about the work required for Bath.


Councillor Liz Richardson commented that rural residents need help in travelling to Bath as adequate public transport is not available.


The Divisional Director for Planning and Transport replied that work will focus on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53
