Issue - meetings

Review of B&NES Local Development Scheme

Meeting: 13/11/2013 - Cabinet (Item 79)

79 Review of B&NES Local Development Scheme pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Cabinet will be asked to agree updates to the Council's programme for the preparation of planning policy documents (the Local Development Scheme).


Additional documents:


David Redgewell in an ad hoc statement said he was generally pleased with the proposals although had some concerns about accessibility issues, which needed more detail.  He welcomed the involvement of Scrutiny in exploring the possibility of a public transport link into Wiltshire.

Councillor Liz Richardson in an ad hoc statement made some observations about paragraph 3.4 of the report.  She asked for clarification of the meaning of the “S” in the chart in Annex 1.

Councillor Tim Ball thanked both speakers.  He explained to Cabinet that it had been hoped that further progress would have been made on the review – however, in December the Council would be looking at housing numbers with the government inspector.  He explained that the “S” in the chart indicated “Submitted” – that is, the process had been completed.  He said that dates and timetables would be informed in due course.  However, they would tie in closely with the Placemaking Plan.

He moved the proposals.

Councillor Katie Hall seconded the proposals and said that she was very pleased to see the progress that had been made.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Katie Hall, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To ADOPT the revised Local Development Scheme; and

(2) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director of Planning and Transport Development, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning, to make editorial amendments to ensure the LDS is up-to-date and correct any errors.
