Issue - meetings

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2013

Meeting: 11/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 61)

61 Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2013 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

The Childcare Act 2006 requires Councils to undertake and publish a sufficiency assessment of childcare in their area every 3 years


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Councillor Sarah Bevan in an ad hoc statement said that as the Council’s Human Rights Champion, and as Vice-Chair of the Early Years, Children and Youth PDS Panel, she needed to ask the Cabinet to take note of the differences in composition of the minority communities in the area.

Councillor Michael Evans in an ad hoc statement felt that the report was thorough and informative.  He expressed concern however at the cuts in Children’s Centres and emphasised the importance of early years experience for children’s development.  He asked for an explanation of the meaning of the phrase “common assessment” the table on page 84 of the agenda pack. He also asked for an explanation of the context of the phrase “under supply” in paragraph 6.3 on page 92 of the agenda pack.

Councillor Dine Romero introduced the item by assuring Councillor Bevan that the equality issues would be fully considered.  She responded to Councillor Evans that the report showed that there were in fact sufficient child care services and that children’s centres were not necessary for the delivery of child care.  She promised to arrange for an officer to provide an explanation of the context of the two phrases he had mentioned.  She explained that the report was no longer required, but the Council had continued to produce it and that the areas of concern identified in the report had been addressed in the action plan.

She moved the proposals.

Councillor Simon Allen seconded the proposal and said that the level of detail in the report was impressive.  This would enable Cabinet to make the right decisions.  He agreed with Councillor Evans that the early years experience was critical for children’s development and reminded Cabinet that there were now sufficient places in the area to meet the need of 2-year-olds.  He welcomed the report.

Councillor David Bellotti welcomed the fantastic news which he believed all parents would welcome too.  The report showed that there was sufficient provision in the area and how it could be funded.  He reminded Cabinet that the government was now targeting its funding towards those who needed support.  There had been no cuts in that provision and no cuts in the Designated Schools Grant in the last 3 years.  Ofsted was finding much outstanding provision across the authority.

Councillor Paul Crossley thanked the Strategic Director (Place) and his team for the excellent paper.  He was confident that the authority was planning for the future, particularly in the matter of increasing demand.

On a motion from Councillor Dine Romero, seconded by Councillor Simon Allen, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE the report; and

(2) To AGREE the recommendations and action plan set out in the report, within the resources available following publication of the 2013 assessment.
