Issue - meetings

River Strategy Funding

Meeting: 10/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 River Corridor Fund pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Within the Council Budget a capital fund of £100,000 was allocated for a River Corridor Fund.  In order to bring forward the Fund it is necessary to draw down the allocated funding.  Delegated authority is sought for the Strategic Director for Place to draw down the provisional allocation in consultation with the Cabinet Member.


Additional documents:


Councillor David Laming in an ad hoc statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 11 and on the Council’s website] gave special thanks to Councillors Crossley, Ball, Bellotti and Stevens for their work, and to Councillor Eleanor Jackson who was steering it through the PDS review.  If agreed, this would make the Council the first in the country to undertake a detailed task and finish review of boat dwellers and their needs.

Councillor Ben Stevens introduced the item by thanking Councillor Laming for his kind words.  There had been a good relationship with the Trust so far and he had been struck by what a difference could be made for angling, rowing, canoeing, boating and walking.  The paper was a key part of the regeneration of the whole riverside.

He moved the proposals.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He referred to the hard work also put into the issue by Councillor Cherry Beath.  He reminded Cabinet that the paper was about finding solutions, at last, to the long-running problem of the riverside.  He was delighted that the outreach past Newbridge contained 3 rowing clubs, plus pubs and other community facilities.  He had been made aware by Councillor Laming of the opportunities afforded by the loop of river near to the Fry’s site in Keynsham.

Councillor Tim Ball said the proposals were an exciting start.  He said that anglers, and those living on the river, must not be forgotten.  He also mentioned the wildlife aspects of the riverbank which must be protested.  It was salutary to remember also that the river provided Bath’s drinking water.

Councillor Ben Stevens summed up by agreeing that the issue related to all aspects of the usage of the river.

On a motion from Councillor Ben Stevens, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the £100,000 provisionally allocated within the 13/14 capital programme, which will be allocated by the Council to ensure the river becomes a key cultural, economic and social asset for Bath and beyond.
