Issue - meetings

Update on the Heritage Services Capital Investment Strategy

Meeting: 10/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 46)

46 Update on the Heritage Services Capital Investment Strategy pdf icon PDF 68 KB

The Heritage Services Business Plan 2013-2018 agreed by Cabinet in April 2013 incorporated a capital investment strategy for the next five years and proposed the establishment of a ‘Roman Baths Foundation’ as a fundraising vehicle to support conservation and education in the Roman Baths.  This report provides further information on projects that now require further approval in order that works can progress, and requests formal approval for the creation of a Roman Baths Foundation.


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Councillor Ben Stevens emphasised the prestige brought to the area by its heritage.  The income from tourism was substantial.  The budget for the proposed capital works had been approved in principle by Council in February and this report is to give Cabinet the detailed proposals.  He moved the proposals.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He felt that the creation of a foundation to assist in funding was a good way to approach the educational aspects of the project.

On a motion from Councillor Ben Stevens, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the capital budget for the Temple Precinct scheme, including the rephasing illustrated in the report;

(2) To APPROVE the transfer of £130k from the underspend on the Beau Street hoard to the budget provided for the Roman Baths infrastructure project to repair the Pump Room roof in the current financial year;

(3) To NOTE that the rolling programme of infrastructure works for the Roman Baths will be reviewed for 2014/15 in order to accommodate works to renew and relocate the gas supply pipe for the site;

(4) To AGREE that the provisional capital budget for the Beau Street hoard project will be subject to further consideration following the forthcoming Stage 2 application to the Heritage Lottery Fund; and

(5) To AGREE the formation of a fundraising charitable Roman Baths Foundation whose objects would be to support education and conservation at the Roman Baths and Temple site, with the remit and governance arrangements of the Foundation to be drawn up in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Sustainable Development and Resources.
