Issue - meetings

Policy Development and Scrutiny recommendations - Alcohol Harm Reduction Review

Meeting: 24/03/2014 - Early Years, Children and Youth Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 97)

97 Policy Development & Scrutiny recommendations - Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy pdf icon PDF 61 KB

The Scrutiny Inquiry Day was held on the 10th October 2013. Cabinet members have been asked to consider the recommendations of the scrutiny inquiry day. Their response now returns to each of the respective PDS Panels for the consideration of members.


Additional documents:


Councillor Liz Hardman introduced this item to the Panel. She informed them that the review heard a great deal of evidence during the day. She said that the most concerning information was around the number of young people aged under 18 who were being admitted to hospital due to the intake of alcohol and that this included a large number of admissions of young people that were aged under 16.


She stated that early education on the causes and effects of alcohol harm were vital and that the role of the Council’s Drug & PSHE Consultant was key.


The Chair asked if it could be clarified if the Young People’s Substance Misuse Group would be taking the lead to focus on the topics of self-harm flagged in recommendation 1b.


The Deputy Director for Children & Young People, Strategy & Commissioning replied that they would alongside the Children & Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Group.


Councillor Michael Evans asked if Licensed Premises within the Council could be refreshed of their responsibilities towards young people.


The Divisional Director for Children & Young People, Specialist Services replied that work had recently been undertaken with Licensing Officers to highlight the need to protect vulnerable children.


The Chair on behalf of the Panel wished to thank everybody that took part in the review.


Meeting: 04/03/2014 - Planning, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 67)

67 Policy Development and Scrutiny recommendations - Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy pdf icon PDF 95 KB

The Scrutiny Inquiry Day was held on the 10th October 2013. Cabinet members have been asked to consider the recommendations of the scrutiny inquiry day. Their response now returns to each of the respective PDS Panels for the consideration of members.


Additional documents:


The Policy Development & Scrutiny Project Officer introduced this item to the Panel. She explained that the Single Inquiry Day was the work of four Panels coming together in October 2013 to look at the matter.


She added that the draft report and recommendations came to the Wellbeing Panel before being put to Cabinet Members for comment. This Panel now had the opportunity to comment on those recommendations that fall within its remit.


REC 6.c. – Early Morning Restriction Orders in areas based on resident demand.


Councillor Lisa Brett called for this recommendation to not be rejected as she didn’t feel that under the Social Responsibility Bill the Council would have a legal right to do so. She added that she did not believe one was necessary currently, but was worried about ruling it out completely.


The Chair asked that Councillor Dixon be informed of the view expressed by Councillor Brett.
