Issue - meetings

Transport Improvement Capital Programme 2013/14

Meeting: 08/05/2013 - Cabinet (Item 207)

207 Transport Improvement Capital Programme 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 55 KB

This report sets out the Integrated Transport Improvement Capital Programme following consultation. The programme of expenditure aims to develop the policies of the Joint Local Transport Plan in accordance with Government guidelines.


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Councillor David Laming in an ad hoc statement reminded Cabinet that the river taxis from Lambridge could stop at the Colonnades which might substantially increase footfall.

David Redgewell in an ad hoc statement welcomed the programme.  He reminded Cabinet that the Bath Transport Package must be fully delivered and called for the improvement of local rail stations.  He supported the suggestion made by Councillor Laming about water taxis.

Councillor Roger Symonds introduced the item.  He observed that the programme was intended to deal with the day to day maintenance of the transport infrastructure and was not about major development.  He introduced a number of items listed in the report.  He was particularly pleased to report that the station ramp would be completed, now that the hitches had been overcome, with £400K of government funding.  The proposal to contribute £70K towards the £200K cost of linking the northern end of the two tunnels to the railway path was also very exciting.  He moved the proposals.

Councillor Dine Romero seconded the proposal.  She welcomed the wide range of projects to improve safety, particularly those outside schools.

Councillor Paul Crossley said the list of projects would address the needs of all modes of transport in the Council’s area.  He was delighted to see the extension from the Two Tunnels and reminded the Cabinet that the route was very well used by pedestrians as well as cyclists.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Dine Romero, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the Transport Improvement Capital Programme for 2013/14; and

(2) To DELEGATE authority to the Group Manager, Transport and Planning Policy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Customer Services, to alter the programme as may prove necessary within the overall budget allocation.
