Issue - meetings

Heritage Services Business Plan 2013-2018

Meeting: 10/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 187)

187 Heritage Services Business Plan 2013-2018 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

The Heritage Services Business Plan 2013-2018 has been prepared following the annual in-depth review of business activity and includes an analysis of the risk involved.


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Councillor Cherry Beath introduced the report which showed how the service would generate more income with reduced costs.  It was a cohesive strategy for improvement.  She drew attention to the plans for the Roman Baths Learning Centre; a Visitor Management System; and the Assembly Rooms dilapidation project.  She moved the proposals to note the report and to approve the capital budgets for the 3 projects.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He fully supported protecting the heritage assets of the area.

On a motion from Councillor Cherry Beath, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the Heritage Services Business Plan 2013-2018; and

(2) To APPROVE the capital budgets for the Visitor Management System, Roman Baths infrastructure and Assembly Rooms dilapidations projects in the Council’s Capital Programme for 2013/14 and 2014/15.
