Issue - meetings

Odd Down Playing Field Development

Meeting: 16/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 142)

142 Odd Down Playing Field Development pdf icon PDF 51 KB

This report seeks approval to draw down the capital funds paid to the Council under the terms of the Section 106 agreement dated 8 July 2010, made between the Council and Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd for the purposes of developing out the Odd Down project.



Councillor David Dixon explained that the proposal was to use funding already earmarked under an s.106 agreement but which now needed to be released so that the project to regenerate the Odd Down playing fields could proceed as planned.  He explained that there would be a new pavilion, astro pitch, cricket wickets and a number of other improvements.  He was delighted to propose the scheme to Cabinet.

Councillor David Bellotti seconded the proposal and reminded Cabinet that the existing facilities at Odd down were very poor, especially the changing rooms which people were reluctant to use.  The fields were used by young people as an informal meeting area, which he felt was to be encouraged.  If the fields were renewed, it would be a great success story for the Council.

Councillor Roger Symonds said that he had used the fields for 60 years.  The plans would transform the entire facility.  He particularly welcomed the plans for an off-road cycle track which, together with a number of other cycling initiatives, would be a great step forward.  He emphasised the need to provide facilities for people with disabilities and mentioned some particular initiatives which would encourage disabled people to cycle and skate board.

Councillor Cherry Beath warmly endorsed the proposals. She observed that the nearby Glass House fields were already at full capacity.  The proposals would be good for young people and disabled people.

On a motion from Councillor David Dixon, seconded by Councillor David Bellotti, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE inclusion of £1,232k in the 2012/13 & 2013/14 Capital Programme, allowing the scheme to proceed as planned; and

(2) To DELEGATE the final agreed project design and deliverables to the Divisional Director Tourism, Leisure and Culture.
