Issue - meetings

Local Transport Body

Meeting: 05/12/2012 - Cabinet (Item 127)

127 Local Transport Body pdf icon PDF 72 KB

The report considers the proposed Department for Transport arrangements for the devolution of major schemes funding from 2015/16.  This includes proposals for an assurance framework to meet governance, accountability, financial management and evidencing value for money under a devolved major schemes regime to be overseen by a Local Transport Body.


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Councillor Roger Symonds in proposing the item, said that in the past the Council had bid for transport funds through the Joint Transport Plan agreed by the West of England Partnership, and that it had been successful in getting funding for many projects. The Government had now decided to devolve funding for major schemes, and was insisting that this be done through Local Transport Bodies (LTBs). LTBs would comprise four Councillor members and two business representatives. The Government wanted LTBs to be established quickly. A revised version of the recommendations in paragraph 2 of the report had been circulated to members.  He proposed that in paragraph 2.3 of the revised recommendations “Strategic Director of Place” should be replaced by “Divisional Director Planning and Transport Development”. This was agreed.

Councillor Crossley seconded the proposals as amended and said that the Council was moving forward with some major transport projects in co-operation with other partner authorities. He believed that because of the high costs of highway and rail investments, it was essential that the Council co-operated with the Government’s agenda.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To approve, in principle, the formation of a Local Transport Body to include the Joint Transport Executive Committee (JTEC) and two business representatives from the Local Enterprise Partnership;

(2) To agree that the necessary work is undertaken to support the creation of a formally constituted Local Transport Body, including the assurance framework to meet governance, accountability, financial management and value for money requirements to the satisfaction of DfT and the Council’s own internal procedures; and

(3) To delegate to the Divisional Director Planning and Transport  Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, the Monitoring Officer and the Section 151 Officer, to agree appropriate legal agreement to allow this new body to undertake this work, subject to appropriate financial provision being made in the February budget.
