Issue - meetings

Review and Evaluation of Olympics and Cultural Olympiad events and projects 2012

Meeting: 10/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 186)

186 Review and Evaluation of Olympics and Cultural Olympiad events and projects 2012 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

In December 2011, Cabinet approved plans for events and projects to take place in 2012 to mark the Olympics year.  This report reviews and evaluates the 12 months of activity and assesses its impact on our communities.  An estimated 449,000 people participated in 140 events and projects during 2012.  The success of cross-Council working, and the high standards of safe event management, throughout the year is noted in the annual Safety Advisory Group for Events [SAGE] report


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Councillor David Dixon introduced the item by showing part of a 10-minute DVD [a copy of which can be seen on the Council’s website as a link from the minutes] to which he provided a brief commentary.  He explained that all the activities which took place over the whole period had cost only £1 per participant.  The events had been a great source of pride for the whole area.  He moved the recommendations.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He thanked the teams all across the Council who had worked together with communities to celebrate the Olympics, Paralympics and Jubilee.

Councillor Cherry Beath said that the celebrations had been a tremendous occasion.  She was pleased that during that 2-week period, the drop in tourism had been relatively small.

On a motion from Councillor David Dixon, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that the achievements of the Council and its partners and communities should be acknowledged and celebrated; and

(2) To ENCOURAGE Officers to build on the achievements of 2012, improving cross-departmental working on events and using the success of 2012 projects to strengthen work with local communities.
