Issue - meetings

Proposed Air Quality Management Area for Saltford

Meeting: 05/12/2012 - Cabinet (Item 125)

125 Proposed Air Quality Management Area for Saltford pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Local authorities must carry out regular reviews of the air quality in their boundaries. An area within Saltford has been identified as exceeding acceptable limits and the authority is therefore required to declare an Air Quality Management Area for that part of Saltford. A consultation exercise has been undertaken to offer various options for the outline of the proposed area and to hear the public's views on what should be included. The Cabinet is being asked to approve the recommended option.


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Councillor Dixon in proposing the item, said that this was a new AQMA, necessitated because emission levels in parts of Saltford had reached the European trigger level. The problem was the amount of traffic ascending Bath Hill into Saltford, causing queues of vehicles with their engines running slowly.

Councillor Crossley seconded the proposal.

Councillor Symonds said that traffic on the A4 through Saltford had declined since last December and many cars now had a facility for the engine to cut out when the vehicle was delayed in a queue of traffic. He said that other measures that could be taken to reduce emissions from traffic included the reopening of Saltford station.

On a motion from Councillor David Dixon, seconded by Councillor Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To DECLARE an Air Quality Management Area which extends along the A4 Bath Road, Saltford from Beech Road/Manor Road to the Southern end of Saltford, which is approximately 12m from the centre of the road in each direction.  Any residential property whose façade is within the area is deemed to be included.
