Issue - meetings

Bath & North East Somerset Placemaking Plan Issues & Options

Meeting: 10/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 180)

180 Bath & North East Somerset Placemaking Plan Issues & Options - Update Report pdf icon PDF 56 KB

The Placemaking Plan is a necessary complement to the Core Strategy in order to assist bringing forward the brownfield sites for development in the most effective way, to  provide the necessary detail on the planning requirements for the locations identified for development in the Core Strategy and to update other Local Plan policies.


Additional documents:


Peter Duppa-Miller (Secretary of the Town and Parish Councils Association and Clerk to Combe Hay Parish Council) in an ad hoc statement assured Cabinet that the Parish Councils were extremely eager to support the proposals in a practical way.

Councillor Tim Ball in proposing the item explained that this paper was a progress report and would lead up to the launch of the Plan at the May Cabinet.  The Council was working closely with Town and Parish Councils nd with local communities.  He thanked Peter Duppa-Miller for his warm endorsement of the proposals.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposals which he felt would facilitate development of key areas and would safeguard the ethos of the area.

Councillor Cherry Beath welcomed the proposals which she said would draw on the progress made by the Council under the Localism Act, and would involve communities and Parish Councils.  There had been a real need for the proposals.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE that the preparation of the Placemaking Plan will be formally launched in May 2013 with the publication of the Launch Document.
