Issue - meetings

Award of Contracts for Supported Bus Services

Meeting: 13/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 164)

164 Award of Contracts for Supported Bus Services pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Following an open tender round, it is proposed to award contracts for a range of supported bus services, including evening and Sunday services, Bath daytime contracted services and some rural services


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David Redgewell in a statement said that the report was mostly good news but that there were still some issues.  He particularly mentioned the Council’s responsibility to market the services it provides by placing timetables at relevant places.  He explained to Cabinet in some details which services he felt should be improved or provided differently.

The Chair asked all Cabinet members to confirm that they had read the Public Interest Test relating to Appendix A of the report.  Cabinet members unanimously confirmed this.

The Chair then proposed that Appendix A should be exempt from publication by reason of the fact that it contained private information.  This was seconded by Councillor David Dixon and agreed unanimously.

The Chair advised the Cabinet that he did not intend to exclude the public from the meeting unless a Cabinet member wished to refer to the contents of Appendix A during the debate.  No Cabinet member indicated a wish to do this.

Councillor Roger Symonds in proposing the item thanked David Redgewell for his contribution.  He said that the Cabinet would judge the proposals on usage of a service and the cost to deliver it.  He was delighted that the proposals would deliver the same service as the previous year, but for £108K less; and he congratulated officers on achieving this.  He observed that in addition, the number 6/7 bus had been included in the proposals.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal and said that an excellent deal had been negotiated.  The bus operators had shown a willingness to work with the Council to deliver the services.

On a motion from Councillor Paul Crossley, seconded by Councillor David Dixon, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that Appendix A is an exempt item and is not for publication, by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(2) To NOTE the tender prices received;

(3) To AGREE the award of contracts as proposed;

(4) To CONFIRM the continued support for enhanced frequency on service 6/7 to Larkhall and Fairfield Park; and

(5) To CONFIRM the changes to contract services.
