Issue - meetings

Victoria Hall Update

Meeting: 14/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 101)

101 Options for the Future Use of Victoria Hall Radstock pdf icon PDF 102 KB

At its meeting of 11th July Cabinet received a report on the outcomes of the consultation process in respect of Victoria Hall and its potential future uses.  This report examines the scope for bringing the building back into use as a community facility with meeting rooms, exhibition space and relocation of the town library in to the building.



Amanda Leon in an ad hoc statement welcomed the report and agreed that Victoria Hall had the potential to become a focus in the town.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 10 and on the Council's website] cautiously welcomed the proposals and made some suggestions for developing its use, including a request that Radstock Youth Club and Radstock in Bloom be allowed use of the garden.  She reserved her congratulations until the refurbishment had been completed.

Councillor Charles Gerrish in an ad hoc statement welcomed the proposals but observed that the revenue shortfall was understated and should read £49K, not £24K.  He asked for the error to be corrected.

Leslie Mansell (Chair, Radstock Town Council) in an ad hoc statement welcomed the report and the Cabinet’s commitment to the long-overdue refurbishment of Victoria Hall.

Councillor David Bellotti in proposing the item, said that the proposals would give the hall a 20-30 year life.  He was excited about the plans for a community library with refreshments and Wi-Fi facilities.  The consultation had brought out lots of ideas – not all possible.  He expressed his disappointment that it had not been possible to fit in a full-size snooker table despite investigating a number of possible floor layouts.  He was delighted however that the building would be fully accessible, with a lift to the upper floor.  The total anticipated cost of £800K would be partly met from £160K from the Radstock Regeneration funds, £125K from the sale of the Library site, and another sum from the potential sale of the old caretaker house.

Councillor Simon Allen in seconding the proposals said he was very proud that Cabinet had reached this point.  He felt that the renovation of the hall would put the heart back into Radstock.

Councillor Cherry Beath observed that the proposals were evidence that Cabinet was willing to deal with difficult long-standing issues.  She committed to working closely with the Economic Forum and the Town Council to ensure the best outcome for the town.

On a motion from Councillor David Bellotti, seconded by Councillor Simon Allen, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE the outcomes of the feasibility study;

(2) To AGREE that Work is progressed on determining the viability of implementing a scheme for the relocation of the library, creation of community facilities with meeting room and exhibition space, accessed by a new lift;

(3) To AUTHORISE the Chief Property Officer to finalise the preferred scheme for the development of Victoria Hall in consultation with Cabinet Member for Community Resources and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and subject to:

·  A business plan being completed for the facility, which includes the library relocation,  and which will be subject to the approval of the Section 151 Officer;

·  The sources of additional revenue liability resulting from any additional running costs being identified. Any additional revenue costs will represent a funding pressure for 2013/14 and prudent provision is being included in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 101
