Issue - meetings

Redevelopment of Somerdale

Meeting: 11/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 Redevelopment of Somerdale pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Kraft have appointed Taylor Wimpey as preferred developer for the Somerdale site who, under the terms of their mutual contract, are required to submit a planning application by 30th November 2012.  The Council’s adopted Local Plan and draft Core Strategy set out the current and draft planning policies for the redevelopment of the Somerdale site.  The Cabinet wishes to highlight the existing and proposed policy planning policies and to confirm its corporate intentions for the site in the event that planning permission is granted in due course.



Councillor Charles Gerrish in an ad hoc statement asked that the Council continue to press the developer, especially for traffic planning, which was a major concern of local residents.  He also expressed his lack of confidence in the promises being made by the developers about employment opportunities.  He wanted to see full time, permanent employment so that less Keynsham people would need to travel to Bristol or Bath for work.

Mike Thomas (Chair of the Residents of Somerdale Association) explained that he had raised the group’s concerns with Kraft.  They wanted to see a smooth transition of the factory site and had attended all the stakeholder events.  He listed their main concerns and asked Cabinet to ensure they were addressed.

Councillor Tim Ball asked Mike Thomas to email him the group’s concerns.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson in an ad hoc statement spoke on behalf of the Labour Group, whose main concern was that the Council must ensure the connectivity of the K1, K2 and Town Centre schemes so that a single community results from the developments in Keynsham.  The Labour Group was disappointed that an opportunity had been lost to ensure the future of the water meadows and wild life.

Councillor Tim Ball in proposing the item thanked the previous speakers for their contributions.  He explained that the paper being considered by Cabinet was an interim paper and that a further report would be considered in September.  The Local Plan required adequate access, which would be likely to require the provision of a second entrance to the site.  The plans were currently the subject of traffic modelling.  He asked the residents to make sure they passed all their concerns to him.  He referred to paragraphs 5.15 to 5.18 of the report, which showed that the Council was determined to work with the developer and the Town Council to promote the site as a business location.

Councillor Nathan Hartley seconded the proposal.

Councillor David Dixon thanked residents for their input.  He assured them that the Council did not only want a housing development, tacked onto the edge of Keynsham, but an integrated part of the community which would not change the identity of the town.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Nathan Hartley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE the evidence base that supports the Draft Core Strategy in relation to development at Somerdale, summarised in the report;

(2) To AGREE that officers should engage with the developer to encourage a development of appropriate quality that not only meets the requirements of the adopted Local Plan but also supports the delivery of the Draft Core Strategy and meets the needs of the local community; and

(3) To NOTE the economic and employment opportunities for the site and the working party established between the Council’s Economic Development team and Keynsham Town Council to demonstrate and stimulate business demand.
