Issue - meetings

Short Break for Disabled Children Refurbishment of Lansdown building at Wellsway School

Meeting: 11/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Short Break for Disabled Children Reburbishment of Lansdown building at Wellsway School pdf icon PDF 54 KB

The council received a capital grant through the Aiming High for Disabled Children programme in 2011 from the Department of Education to provide fully accessible targeted holiday provision in community settings for disabled children and their families. A consultation with families of disabled children identified a need for a targeted holiday provision for Disabled Children to be run in Keynsham.  The Lansdown building at Wellsway School in Keynsham was identified as the best venue to suit all needs. This report is requesting cabinet approval to move to the procurement stage of commissioning process for this capital expenditure.



Councillor Charles Gerrish in an ad hoc statement welcomed the proposals.  He felt there had for too long been inadequate provision in Keynsham and the proposals would address that.

Councillor Nathan Hartley in proposing the item, said that he had recently visited Butterflies, and they had spoken warmly of Councillor Gerrish.  He explained the reasons for the proposals and referred to paragraph 3.1 of the report, which laid out the funding sources which would enable the provision.

Councillor Simon Allen seconded the proposal.  He was delighted that the new provision would promote independent living and positive lives for people living in Keynsham.

On a motion from Councillor Nathan Hartley, seconded by Councillor Simon Allen, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE the capital expenditure request;

(2) To APPROVE the request to move to the procurement stage of the commissioning process; and

(3) To RECEIVE further report on the development of the site which will enable families living in the Keynsham area to access a fully accessible targeted holiday provision for their children after school and in the school holidays.
