Issue - meetings

Bath Transportation Package Main Scheme. Approval of Provisional Budget

Meeting: 11/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Bath Transportation Package Main Scheme - Approval of Provisional Budget pdf icon PDF 57 KB

The full approval of the Bath Transportation Package by the Department for Transport is anticipated in late summer 2012. Cabinet approval of the budget for the BTP main scheme, within the threshold of the 14th July 2011 Full Council decision, and within the Full Council provisional budget which was set in February 2012 is therefore sought subject to DfT approval.


Additional documents:


Peter Duppa-Miller (Clerk to Combe Hay Parish Council) in an ad hoc statement said that the intended expansion of the Odd Down Park and Ride site (actually sited in Combe Hay Parish) already had full planning permission and would provide 230 extra spaces, a Nature Conservation area and dramatically improved lighting.  He said that Combe Hay Parish Council was most eager to see the implementation of the expansion, which would benefit all those approaching the City of Bath from the south, and urged Cabinet to approve the recommendation.

Councillor Paul Crossley in proposing the item, said that several changes had been made to the proposals inherited from the previous administration, and the proposals now had government agreement.  He commended officers for producing proposals which were within the budget available and hoped that the whole project would be delivered within that budget.  He explained that the current agreement said that any savings would be split equally between the Council and the government, but he intended to negotiate a better deal if possible.  He emphasised to Cabinet the urgency of implementing the schemes to improve traffic flow and the links to other cities.

Councillor David Dixon seconded the proposal.  He welcomed the long-awaited improvements to the Park and Ride, bus stops etc.  He was delighted that the project was within budget and said he hoped it would also be delivered on time.

On a motion from Councillor Paul Crossley, seconded by Councillor David Dixon, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the provisional budget for the BTP main scheme, in line with the budget set in February 2012, subject to DfT scheme approval, at a level of grant consistent with the principles of the bid submission in May 2012 & with a Council contribution to the project no higher than that previously approved.
