Issue - meetings

Development of Joint Working Arrangements with NHS beyond April 2013

Meeting: 11/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 44)

44 Development of Joint Working Arrangements with NHS beyond April 2013 pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To update the cabinet on the development of joint working arrangements with the NHS from April 2013, when some key elements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 come into effect.



Lesley Mansell (Chair of Radstock Town Council) in an ad hoc statement referred to paragraph 10 of the report and asked for clarity on how consultation would be conducted with the wider community.

Councillor Simon Allen said that the Cabinet was being asked to note the update report and that a further report would be submitted for approval at September Council.  The working arrangements between the Council and the PCT would develop in readiness for April 2013 when the Health and Social Care Act 2012 would come into effect.  He acknowledged the issue raised by Lesley Mansell and promised that consultation arrangements would become clearer as the arrangements developed.

Councillor Nathan Hartley seconded the proposal and said that he too was keen to see the consultation arrangements finalised and that he would ensure there would be consultation with the Faith Forum and with the Council’s three Equality Worker Challenge Groups.

On a motion from Councillor Simon Allen, seconded by Councillor Nathan Hartley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To NOTE the work underway to enable the continuation and further development of joint working arrangements with the NHS beyond April 2013; and

(2) To ASK the Divisional Director (People and Communities) to bring more detailed proposals for approval by Full Council in September 2012.
