Issue - meetings

Saltford Station Business Case

Meeting: 13/06/2012 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Saltford Station Business Case pdf icon PDF 60 KB

The potential for reopening Saltford Station has been highlighted recently by a local campaign and the response to the GWR franchise from the West of England.  In order to develop the business case for this project funds are required in the order of £250,000 over the next three years.  This report seeks funding to take this work forward.



Duncan Hounsell (Saltford Station Campaign) in a statement thanked the Cabinet for listening to the people of Saltford.  He mentioned the work done by Peter Dawson (Group Manager, Planning Policy & Transport) in getting to this point.  He presented a petition to Cabinet supporting the re-opening of Saltford Station.

The Chair referred the petition to Councillor Roger Symonds for his consideration and response in due course.

David Redgewell (South West Transport Network) made a statement in which he emphasised the importance of working with other west of England authorities and the urgency of pressing the case for the station while the opportunity still remained.

Councillor Francine Haeberling in an ad hoc statement said she was delighted that a business case was being prepared.  Her ward residents were in favour of re-opening the station but had some questions.  There were concerns about the possible increase of traffic on the Bath Road, and of parking problems because the station car park might not be large enough.  There were also concerns about the difficult turning and accident black spot at the bottom of the hill.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson was delighted to see the progress being made, but reminded Cabinet that the Radstock/Frome railway line also needed to be re-opened urgently.  She asked Cabinet to include this in its forward planning.

Councillor Roger Symonds thanked the 2000 petitioners, which he said proved that people do want railways.  He thanked the campaign group for their work.  He responded to Councillor Haeberling by saying that the 3 problems she mentioned would only be problems on the way to success.  He agreed with David Redgewell that the opportunity to raise the issue while the new franchise was being negotiated must not be missed.  He reminded David that Saltford was now on the west of England agenda.  To Councillor Eleanor Jackson, he responded that the Saltford opportunity must be taken immediately, but the Radstock/Frome line must be for future consideration.  He moved the recommendations.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He welcomed the collaboration between the local community, Parish Council and Unitary authority on this issue.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE a budget of £100,000 to undertake a High Level Option Assessment as set out in the report, to be funded from the Council’s Revenue Budget Contingency; and

(2) To AGREE that any further requests for funding will be considered following completion and consideration of this Assessment.
