Decision details

Pre Application Advice Charging Schedule Changes

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Homes and Planning

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Replace the existing pre application advice charging regime with a new schedule, alongside significant improvements to the quality and timeliness of the pre application advice service.


The Cabinet Member agrees that Development Management Service can implement a revised pre application advice charging schedule.

Reasons for the decision:

·  These are changes to an existing service which is already well used

·  The price increase is alongside extensive improvements to the quality and timeliness of the service customers will receive

·  Our main customer group, the Agents have been advised and what feedback we have received has been supportive

·  In the current climate, increase in income is appropriate and enables costs of delivering the pre app service to be covered

·  We do not expect a significant reduction in the number of pre-apps we receive as a result of these changes as all indications are that customers expect us to deliver this service

Alternative options considered:

Stop delivering the pre-application advice service as it is non-statutory, however this would not work because:

·  Customers expect councils to deliver a pre-app service and are prepared to pay for it so would complain if it was withdrawn

·  There is a risk that the work would have to be done anyway as part of the application process for which we would receive no income

·  Increase the time taken on statutory applications, potentially affecting performance

·  Would lead to an increase in refused applications because they were unrealistic

Publication date: 08/04/2016

Date of decision: 04/04/2016

Effective from: 16/04/2016

Accompanying Documents: