Decision details

Approval of Cycle Ambition 2 funding year 1 Kennet and Avon canal towpath improvements and cycle parking

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Transport

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval of Cycle Ambition 2 funding year 1 for proposed canal towpath improvements between Bathampton and Sydney Gardens, Bath and provision of cycle parking throughout Bath and North East Somerset Council.


The Cabinet Member agrees that

1)  The CAF 2 budget for 2015/16 of £655,000 is utilised for the Kennet and Avon Canal towpath improvements and £88,000 for cycle parking and to include these projects on the 2015/16 capital programme as fully approved.

2)  Cycle parking is provided throughout the authority, particularly at the main communities and around major trip generators such as high streets and libraries etc.

3)  The canal towpath between Bathampton and Sydney Gardens is improved, including widening it to 2.5 metres where space allows with it being resurfaced with a tarmac base and tar spray and  stone chip surface with appropriate signing as recommended in the CRT document “Better Towpaths for Everyone” and ongoing safety education.

4)  The section of path between the canal towpath and the railway bridge leading to Grosvenor Bridge is resurfaced with a tarmac base and tar spray and stone chip surface and appropriate signing.

Reasons for the decision:

The existing condition of the towpath is reasonably poor, as the dust/ stone path has deteriorated to give an uneven rough surface which is not ideal for pedestrians and could also be a deterrent to cyclists, of which there are significant numbers of both leisure and commuter users.

The initial Scoping Environmental Appraisal and preliminary work carried out by the C&RT would indicate that a high durability surface is required based on the high levels of current usage together with anticipated increased cyclist commuter use.

The project will support the Council's Community Strategy by improving both Local Transport and the local economy and by promoting healthier (more active) lifestyles.  The project will also provide important support for the Core Strategy in promoting less use of the car.  Finally the project has an excellent fit with the Joint Local Transport Plan.

Alternative options considered:

Other towpath surface options considered included a soft path such as grass, paving slabs, crushed stone, tarmac and resin bound surfaces.

Publication date: 09/11/2015

Date of decision: 09/11/2015

Effective from: 17/11/2015

Accompanying Documents: