Decision details

Keynsham TRO 2015

Decision Maker: Cllr Caroline Roberts

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Considerations of responses to parking proposals, including No Waiting At Any Time, No Loading / Unloading At Any Time, Loading Bays, and Zebra Crossings


The Cabinet Member agrees to prohibit No Parking and No Loading at Any Time in lengths of road in Bath and North East Somerset. The affected roads are: Bath Hill, Back Lane, High Street, and Temple Street, Keynsham as no objections were received to these proposals.

The Cabinet Member agrees to implement the Zebra Crossings in length of road in Bath and North East Somerset. The affected roads are: Bath Hill and Temple Street, Keynsham.

·  All but one of the objections received was in relation to the positions of the advertised Zebras and the apparent lack of crossing points where people thought they should be (i.e. on the desire lines).


·  The Zebra crossing proposals were advertised along with the parking restrictions but the traffic regulation order (TRO) drawings by their nature do not give the whole picture of what is proposed on this scheme.  There are an additional 5 courtesy crossing points to be constructed which do not need to go through the same advertising process as the Zebras and are, therefore, not shown.  The attached drawing at Appendix 3 shows the whole proposal for crossing points including the existing crossing point with a refuge at the end of High Street.  It also shows that the Zebra in Rock Road is proposed to be upgraded to a Puffin crossing which will be subject to its own public notification in due course.


·  In the early days of design of the scheme, a lot of consultation was carried out to determine what was required by all road users.  This formed the basis for what has been designed since.  As part of the subsequent scheme design development, the proposals went through a formal Road Safety Audit by an independent company neither the promoters nor the designers) who look in detail at the safety of every part of the scheme and how it will work “in the real world”.  Their recommendations are referred back to the designer for amendment of the scheme.  This will be followed up after the construction of the scheme is complete with another audit to ensure that it has been built in accordance with the recommendations and provides a safe environment for all road users.


·  The scheme design principle was to slow traffic and make all road users more aware of each other and their needs.  Hence, vehicles are slowed on the entries to the area with width restrictions, ramps and the Zebra crossings.  Once within the area of the scheme, controlled crossings are not required.  The reduced kerb heights to the footways and different colours and textures of the courtesy crossings reinforce to the drivers the impression that they are in a different environment where they cannot expect to assume the right of way.


·  It is considered that the comments made about the Zebra crossings as advertised are resolved when the whole scheme is viewed in context, hence the recommendation to implement and the Cabinet Member agrees to approve these proposals.


The Cabinet Member agrees to modify the proposed Loading Only Bay, 10am – 4pm and 6pm – 7am, No Parking & No Loading 7am – 10am and 4pm – 6pm in lengths of road in Bath & North East Somerset. The affected roads are: Temple Street, Keynsham.

One comment was received in relation to the loading bay proposals.  The Town Council suggested that the loading bay has restricted times only on a Monday – Friday and not seven days a week. This would allow the Keynsham Farmers Market traders to have early morning access for unloading.  This appears to be a reasonable suggestion and, with no compelling reason to refuse, the Cabinet Member approves this recommendation.

Reasons for the decision:

The proposals are designed to address operational traffic issues.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 19/03/2015

Date of decision: 17/03/2015

Effective from: 27/03/2015

Accompanying Documents: