Decision details

Bath Outer Area TRO 2014

Decision Maker: Cllr Caroline Roberts

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Considerations of responses to parking proposals, including within the Bath Outer Area TRO 2014


·  The Cabinet Member agreed to Prohibit and restrict parking At Any Time in the lengths of road below within Bath and North East Somerset as per the proposals:

-   Fairfield Road, Northern Spur of Landseer Road, Eldon Place, Lymore Avenue and Lymore Close, Kensington Place, Poolemead Road, Hillcrest Drive and Hillcrest Drive northern Spur, Ringswell Gardens, Dorset Street, Southlands, Dean Hill Lane, South Lea Road, South Down Road, Belmore Gardens Claremont Buildings, Claverton Down Road, Brook Road, Oakhill Road, Upper Bristol Road, Charlcombe Lane, Lansdown Road, Mountain Wood, Dovers Park, Seven Acres Lane, Eagle Road, Millmead Road, Lyndhurst Road, The Avenue Combe Down, Brunswick Street, Sion Road, Bloomfield Drive, North Road Bathwick, Wellington Buildings, Cranwells Park eastern spur 49 – 65, Devonshire Place, Devonshire Buildings and Chaucer Road, St Michaels Road, Ivy Place, Ivy Avenue, Weston Park, Frankland Close, Elliston Drive and Broadmoor Lane.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to abandon the proposals to Prohibit and restrict parking At Any Time in the lengths of road below within Bath and North East Somerset:

-   Oldfield Road, Bloomfield Avenue and Junction Road, Partis Way, Penn Hill Road, Eastbourne Avenue, St Stephens Close and Richmond Road, Apsley Road, Whitewells Road.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to modify the proposals to Prohibit and restrict parking At Any Time in the lengths of road below within Bath and North East Somerset:

·  Burleigh Gardens: That the proposals are modified to reflect the feedback from the public consultation where the council received 5 responses of support for the proposals to be reduced from No Waiting At Any Time markings to a No Waiting Between Times marking in operation 10am – 4pm to match the restrictions in the surrounding roads. It is agreed therefore that the proposals are modified so that the proposed No Waiting At Any Time markings on the eastern side of Burleigh Gardens become No Waiting Monday – Friday, between 10am – 4pm. It is agreed that the proposed No Waiting At Any Time markings on the west and north side of Burleigh Gardens are implemented to prevent double parking causing pinch points and obstructing refuge and emergency vehicles.

·  Gloucester Road, Elm Grove, Woodlands Park, Fuller Road and Access Road leading to Pitman Court: That the proposals are modified to reflect the feedback from the public consultation. The Council received 3 objections towards the proposals and 3 responses of support. The issue was raised about the elderly and young children having to cross the busy Gloucester Road to get into parked vehicles rather than from the pavement. It is therefore agreed at this time that the proposals are modified so that the No Waiting At Any Time markings at the junctions of Woodlands Park, Elm Grove, Fuller Road, and the Access road leading to Pitman Court are implemented but the No Waiting At Any Time markings on the west side of Gloucester Road from a point 186 metres north of its junction with London Road West for a distance of 168 metres in a northerly direction are abandoned at this time.

·  Beechen Cliff Road and Chaucer Road: That the proposals are modified to reflect the feedback from the public consultation. The council received 8 objections to the proposals and 3 responses of support in part. Therefore it is agreed that the proposed No Waiting At Any Time markings on the west side extending from its junction with Holloway for a distance of 20 metres in a northerly direction are abandoned at this time along with the proposed No Waiting At Any Time markings on the south side of Beechen Cliff Road extending from a point 108 metres north east of its junction with Holloway for a distance of 19.5 metres in a north easterly direction. The proposed No Waiting At Any Time markings around the corner of Chaucer Road and Beechen Cliff Road however should be implemented as the council received 3 responses supporting this part of the proposals.

·  Claremont Road: That the proposals are modified to reflect the feedback from the public consultation. The council received 21 objections to these proposals, 1 response of support and 2 responses of support in part. It is therefore agreed that the proposed No Waiting At Any Time markings on the north east side of Claremont Road extending from a point in-line with the southern kerb line of its junction with Bay Tree Road for a distance of 12 metres in a southerly direction are abandoned at this time. It is agreed that the proposed No Waiting At Any Time markings on the north east side of Claremont Road extending from a point 25 metres south of the southern kerb line of its junction with Bay Tree Road for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction is modified to extend from a point 35 metres south of the southern kerb line of its junction with Bay Tree Road and extend for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction. This reduction in the length of the No Waiting At Any Time markings will provide valuable on street parking for local residents but still provide improved visibility to drivers exiting Eastville. The proposed No Waiting At Any Time markings on the south west side of Claremont Road extending from a point 18.5 metres north west of its junction with the northern kerb line of Southbourne Gardens for a distance of 9 metres in a north westerly direction should still be implemented as vehicles parked in this location obstruct the turning circle of vehicles existing Eastville.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to abandon the proposed No Waiting Between Times in the below lengths of road in Bath & North East Somerset: Apsley Road, Claremont Road, Weston Park and Broadmoor Lane.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to implement Limited Waiting in Upper Oldfield Park in Bath & North East Somerset.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to modify the proposals to introduce Limited Waiting in High Street, Upper Weston in Bath & North East Somerset. The proposals are modified to reflect the feedback from the public consultation. The council received 18 objections, 2 responses of support and 3 responses of support in part to the proposals. It is therefore agreed that the new proposed 2 hour Limited Waiting Bays along the High Street are abandoned at this time. However the proposals to convert the existing Business Permit Bay and the existing 1 hour Limited Waiting Bays into 2 Hour Limited Waiting Bays are implemented to provide more longer stay parking for High Street customers to help support the local economy and business operators.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to abandon the proposed Limited Waiting in lengths of road in Bath & North East Somerset. The affected roads are: Oldfield Road and Symes Park and Deanhill Lane.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to implement Disabled Parking in Upper Oldfield Park in Bath & North East Somerset.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to implement No Loading / Unloading At Any Time in lengths of road in Bath & North East Somerset. The affected roads are Claremont Buildings and Fairfield Road.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to abandon the No Loading / Unloading Between Times proposals in Broadmoor Lane in Bath & North East Somerset.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to implement a Loading Bay in Bath & North East Somerset along St James’s Parade.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to abandon the proposed loading bay in Bath & North East Somerset along Upper Lambridge Street.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to implement a Motorcycle Bay in Kennington Road in Bath & North East Somerset.

·  The Cabinet Member agreed to implement No Stopping On School Keep Clear markings At Any Time in Broadmoor Lane in Bath & North East Somerset.

Reasons for the decision:

The proposals are designed to address operational traffic issues

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 03/09/2014

Date of decision: 22/08/2014

Effective from: 11/09/2014

Accompanying Documents: