Decision details

Bath Enterprise Area: Innovation Quay Capital Approval

Decision Maker: Cllr Ben Stevens, Cllr Paul Crossley

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Bath Enterprise Area: Innovation Quay Capital Approval


The Cabinet Members agree;

1  To fully approve the Capital Items for Bath Quays North & Bath Quays South totalling £1.65M identified within the Councils adopted Capital Programme (2013/14 & 2014/15).

2  The Strategic Director for Place in consultation with the Leader and Strategic Director for Community Regeneration is authorised to;

(a)  Develop the business case for Innovation Quay and submit to the Local Enterprise Partnership for approval of Economic Development Funding.

(b)  Progress enabling activities encompassing the re-provision of car parking to replace Avon street, demolitions, highway and strategic utility infrastructure, design of the footbridge and related disposal activities in order to bring the site forward for the development of office and other mixed uses in line with the Enterprise Area Masterplan.

Reasons for the decision:

As part of the City Deal agreement the Local Enterprise Partnership and the WofE Authorities have set out their growth ambitions. It is anticipated that the Enterprise Zone and Enterprise Area’s will deliver in excess of 60,000 new jobs by 2030 with the Bath City Riverside EA expected to contribute up to 9,000 jobs. Delivery will be closely monitored by Government who have required interim targets to be set : by 2018/19 it is expected that 1,700 new jobs will have been created in the Bath City Riverside EA and bringing forward Innovation Quay is critical to meeting that target. 

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 07/08/2014

Date of decision: 06/08/2014

Effective from: 15/08/2014

Accompanying Documents: