Decision details

Policy Development and Scrutiny recommendations - Alcohol Harm Reduction Review

Decision Maker: Cllr David Dixon, Cllr Dine Romero, Cllr Simon Allen

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet was asked to consider PDS recommendations following a Scrutiny Inquiry Day aimed at formulating policy approaches to reducing the harm caused by alcohol.

The Planning, Transport and Environment PDS Panel received responses relating to their remit at their meeting on 4th March 2014.

The Early Years, Children & Youth PDS Panel will receive responses relating to their remit at their meeting on 24th March 2014.

The Economic and Community Development PDS Panel will receive responses relating to their remit at their meeting on 13th March 2014.

The Wellbeing PDS Panel will receive responses relating to their remit at their meeting on 21st March 2014.


The Cabinet members responded to the Panel’s recommendations.

Publication date: 28/02/2014

Date of decision: 25/02/2014

Accompanying Documents: