Decision details

School Funding Formula Changes

Decision Maker: Cllr Dine Romero, Cllr Paul Crossley

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Following guidance from DFE a few modifications can be made to the school funding regime. Following consultation with schools and the schools forum some amendments are suggested.


The Cabinet Member agrees that


1  To keep the Lump sum allocation unchanged from 2013-14 at  £115,642

2   To not take the opportunity of introducing a sparsity factor in 2014-15

3  To introduce a mobility factor of £500 per qualifying pupil (above the DFE threshold) with the per pupil entitlement factor being reduced to support the allocation

4  To increase the allocation for schools taking in above average numbers of pupils with statements of SEN to £6000 per pupil above the sector average as described in option 1 of the consultation paper.


Reasons for the decision:

Following consultation and discussion through working groups of Head Teachers and School Business Managers, a proposal to amend the funding formula was established. The proposal was modelled from the optional modifications allowed by the DFE in the School Funding Regulations. The schools forum approved the proposals as it was their intention to limit the changes to aid transparency and limit the impact on individual schools ahead of a proposed National Funding Formula.

Alternative options considered:

The working group considered a multitude of options in relation to the possibilities of the new funding regulations. In particular they considered the options available in relation to the Lump Sum allocations to schools, the introduction of a sparsity factor, and a mobility factor.

Under the Targeted Support of Nigh Needs Pupils funding the Working group considered various options to deliver additional support to schools with higher numbers of pupils with statements of SEN. The group considered various methodologies and funding values before choosing to recommend the options in the consultation document.

Publication date: 18/10/2013

Date of decision: 15/10/2013

Effective from: 27/10/2013

Accompanying Documents: