Decision details

Peasedown St John 20mph Speed Limit TRO

Decision Maker: Cllr Roger Symonds

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To introduce a permanent 20mph speed limit on the residential roads of Peasedown St John


The Cabinet Member agrees that, subject to scheme delivery proposals being approved through the PID process that:

1. the scheme is approved as advertised,

2. and the objectors are informed accordingly.

Reasons for the decision:

The introduction of a 20mph speed limit will improve the environment, and it should encourage more walking and cycling

Alternative options considered:

An alternative option to introduce a 20mph speed limit zone would have required the introduction of traffic calming measures but this was considered to be too expensive

Publication date: 08/03/2013

Date of decision: 04/03/2013

Effective from: 17/03/2013

Accompanying Documents: