Decision details

Bath & North East Somerset Green Infrastructure Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Endorsement of the Green Infrastructure Strategy for Bath & NE Somerset following amendments arising from consultation in May 2012


(1) To APPROVE the Green Infrastructure Strategy “Valuing people, place and nature” for the Bath and North East Somerset area;

(2) To SUPPORT delivery of the Strategy by championing Green Infrastructure and commend the Strategy to the partners and stakeholders who have shaped it and invite them to continue to work with the Council to develop and deliver the action plan; and

(3) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director for Planning and Transport Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, to make minor text changes and minor design changes to the layout, if required, and for the inclusion of the rest of the appendices and changes to the selection of photos to the Strategy.

Reasons for the decision:

The Strategy provides a framework for the Council and partners to deliver a wide range of benefits and make a significant contribution to achieving the Councils Vision and Values. The need to address Green Infrastructure is embedded in national policy requirements and the Strategy specifically required to deliver draft Core Policy C7 on Green Infrastructure.

Alternative options considered:


Report author: Sue Murtagh

Publication date: 15/11/2012

Date of decision: 14/11/2012

Decided at meeting: 14/11/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 23/11/2012

Accompanying Documents: