Decision details

Procedure for designation of Local Sites in Bath & North East Somerset

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This paper sets out the procedure for assessing and designating Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCIs) and Regionally Important Geological Sites (RIGS), collectively known as "Local Sites", using standard criteria in accordance with best practice and national guidance, within Bath & North East Somerset.


(1) To AGREE the procedure for designation of Local Sites in Bath & North East Somerset.

Reasons for the decision:

The rationale is to provide a systematic, robust, defensible approach to the designation and review of Local Sites in the District, and to bring the Council in line with current guidance.

Alternative options considered:


Report author: Lucy Corner

Publication date: 14/06/2012

Date of decision: 13/06/2012

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/06/2012

Accompanying Documents: