Decision details

Proposed cycle track between Bathwick Street and Powlett Road, Bath

Decision Maker: Cllr Roger Symonds

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The proposal is to convert an existing footpath between Bathwick Street and Powlett Road to a cycle track. A cabinet member decision is required to authorise the making of a Cycle Track Order under the Cycle Tracks Act 1984.

The Council has been unable to identify the owner of the land over which the footpath runs which has meant that it is not possible to see if he/she would have been willing to enter into a dedication agreement with the Council to allow cyclists to use this route. Therefore, a Cycle Track Order is required to legally increase the user rights on this route to enable cyclist use. If the making of a cycle track is authorised it will then be advertised and a 28 day objection period will run from the date of advertising.


(1) The Environmental Services Divisional Director is authorised to take all necessary action to make and advertise the Cycle Track Order.

(2) In the event there are no objections received to the Cycle Track Order or if objections are received but subsequently withdrawn, the Environmental Services Divisional Director is authorised to take all necessary action to confirm the Cycle Track Order as unopposed; or

(3) In the event that objections are received to the Cycle Track Order and not withdrawn the matter is referred to Cabinet for Members to consider the objections and decide to either abandon the Cycle Track Order or refer it to the Secretary of State for confirmation.

Reasons for the decision:

The rationale of this scheme is to allow cyclists to use this route legally and encourage people to cycle rather than using their cars. This route would be useful for cyclists and has potential for being an important link between a residential area and a wider network of cycling routes. It would provide an attractive, safer and more convenient route for cyclists who might want to avoid using the roads around Sydney Gardens.

Alternative options considered:

The other option would be to do nothing. Cyclists currently use this route and it is likely that they will continue to do so with the legal restriction. The Cycle Track Order will formalise/regularise the current situation. With the cycle track in place the number of cyclists are likely to increase but not significantly as this is a local route from a residential area.

Publication date: 23/03/2012

Date of decision: 19/03/2012

Effective from: 31/03/2012

Accompanying Documents: