Decision details

Winter Service Policy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Council’s severe winter weather arrangements have evolved over many years. The severe weather in the last two winters has resulted in a significant increase in demand for services and an increased public expectation on the Council. Cabinet is asked to formally approve the Highways Team’s Winter Service policy.


(1) To APPROVE the Winter Service Policy as the Highway Authority’s policy for winter maintenance in Bath and North East Somerset;

(2) To ASK for a separate report to Cabinet on the outcome of the Community Snow Warden Pilot scheme, following Winter 2011.

Reasons for the decision:

The Winter Service Policy is based upon nationally recognised standards set out in Well Maintained Highways – A code of Practice.  The Council's Winter Service Policy is a good standard of service to provide for the residents and the travelling public. An increase in standards would require significant extra investment for relatively rare snowfall events. Any reduction in standards of service would be very unpopular with the residents and users of the highway network, as well as increasing the potential for claims against the Council.

Alternative options considered:


Report author: Kelvin Packer

Publication date: 15/09/2011

Date of decision: 14/09/2011

Decided at meeting: 14/09/2011 - Cabinet

Effective from: 23/09/2011

Accompanying Documents: