Decision details

Proposed Bus Lane, Waiting and Movement Restrictions, Wellsway, Bath

Decision Maker: Cabinet Single-Member Decision

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider objections received to the implementation of a bus lane, waiting restrictions and improvements to the pedestrian facility at the junction with Hatfield Road Wellsway, Bath


The Cabinet Member agrees that:

1.  The bus lane and associated waiting/loading restrictions should be implemented between the hours of 7am and 7pm, 7 days a week.

2.  The bus priority measures (signal controlled) should be implemented as proposed.

3.  The current crossing proposal should be implemented. The crossing shall have the facility to accommodate bus detection equipment when introduced.

Reasons for the decision:

1.  A proposal to introduce a bus lane, and associated turning and waiting restrictions in Wellsway is to improve bus services on this road, particularly during peak traffic times and improve safety for all who use Wellsway.

2.  The scheme improves road safety for all road users and therefore meets the requirements of the Council’s overall road safety, traffic calming and community safety priorities for urban areas.

3.  It is noted that some additional parking can be provided by:

i.  reinstating parking spaces from outside no. 241 Wellsway southbound, for a distance of approximately 172m to the recently constructed pedestrian build-out; and

ii.  an additional space could be provided opposite St Luke’s Road, by reducing the length of road currently subject to waiting restrictions. This will require a further traffic regulation order, to be progressed separately.

4. A slight reduction of less than one parking space will be made outside no. 1 Entry Hill, where its garage accesses the Wellsway, to provide adequate manoeuvrability to and from the garage.

Alternative options considered:

Removal of proposed Puffin crossing adjacent to the Devonshire Arms was considered. This was due to the requirement to install a further Puffin crossing in connection with planning application no. 09/02806/FUL, the resulting close proximity of the two crossings and the signalised bus gate. Removal of the Devonshire Arms crossing was rejected.

Publication date: 10/06/2011

Date of decision: 07/06/2011

Effective from: 18/06/2011

Accompanying Documents: