Decision details

Cultural Strategy 2011-2026

Decision Maker: Cabinet Single-Member Decision

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Strategy has been developed jointly by the Council, Future Bath Plus, and the Cultural Forum for the Bath Area. It sets out the high-level objectives for supporting and developing cultural activity across the district, and relates strategic planning for culture to the Sustainable Community Strategy.


The Cabinet Member agreed the adoption of the Cultural Strategy 2011-2026

Reasons for the decision:

The current Bath & North East Somerset Cultural Strategy was published in 2002 and reflects the priorities of the previous Council administration.  Whilst the overall aims and principles remain relevant, its content is out of date and does not relate to current national policy frameworks or to local priorities.

Government policy on the ‘localism’ agenda is now the most significant influence on our strategic planning.  It is therefore timely to adopt a new Cultural Strategy that captures the Council’s enabling role for the community and its desire to work in partnership with the voluntary sector and local business.

Cultural activity is a key driver of our local economy, in terms of both employment and income generated.  Attractions such as Bath Rugby, the Roman Baths and Bath Abbey contribute to the national and international reputation of Bath and the surrounding area.  Equally important is the scale of the voluntary sector: volunteers in museums and arts organisations totalled 2,790 in 2009-10, contributing 85,347 hours of voluntary time (or, 30 hours per person per year).

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 18/03/2011

Date of decision: 14/03/2011

Effective from: 26/03/2011

Accompanying Documents: