Decision details

Greenway Lane/Lyncombe Hill Area, Traffic Calming and 20mph Zone

Decision Maker: Cabinet Single-Member Decision

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Council proposes to introduce a 20mph zone extending throughout the network of streets and culs de sac branching from Greenway Lane and Lyncombe Hill.  In order to support the new speed limit, speed tables and speed cushions are recommended in Greenway Lane.


The Cabinet member agreed to note the objections; and that in the light of the support for the scheme and the safety benefits arising from reduced traffic speeds, the proposals for the 20mph zone and speed humps should be implemented

Reasons for the decision:

The proposed 20 mph zone and traffic calming measures will reduce traffic speeds and should reduce traffic volume. Pedestrian and cyclist safety are the most direct benefits but the neighbourhood, within which approximately 450 dwellings are situated, will be improved in a less quantifiable way.

Alternative options considered:

A large number of options have been considered to addressed residents concerns over the years but following meetings with the residents association a number of specific issues were highlighted and which are addressed in these proposals. A closure of Greenway lane was considered but would be unlikely to gain popular support.

Publication date: 04/02/2011

Date of decision: 31/01/2011

Effective from: 12/02/2011

Accompanying Documents: