Decision details
CRSTS - Somer Valley Link FBC
Decision Maker: Director of Place Management
Decision status: Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To fully approve WECA funding of £390k to deliver the CRSTS
Somer Valley Links Full Business Case (FBC). This is funded by
drawing from existing CRSTS allocation held for delivery and
construction. The £390k will be allocated to:
i) Uplift the BANES capital programme by £60k
ii) Release match funding of £330k and replace with WECA
To approve Somer Valley Links Capital FBC
award of £390k. This is fully funded by WECA CRSTS
Alternative options considered:
To not progress with full FBC or to reduce the
detail it contains. These options were dismissed; a robust FBC
needs to be submitted as part of the WECA decision making, to
ensure the project will deliver clearly defined benefits.
Publication date: 28/11/2024
Date of decision: 28/11/2024