Decision details

Bath Western Riverside Phase II - Land Swap

Decision Maker: Director of Capital & Housing Delivery

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council intervened at Bath Western Riverside through acquisition of former gasholder operational land and has subsequently delivered infrastructure and gas network rationalisation works to unlock the potential of this brownfield site.

This decision enacts a land swap to register a portion of B&NES’ landholding to be transferred to St William and in exchange a portion of St William’s land holding being transferred to B&NES, which creates developable plots for both parties. The land swap is a barter transaction at zero financial consideration, other than applicable taxes and fees.


In accordance with the delegations set out within Decision E3168, the Director of Capital and Housing Delivery approves the Land Swap transfer.

Alternative options considered:

The Council is legally obliged to exercise the Land Swap under a Stage 1 Land Agreement entered on 27th of January 2022 with St William, the adjoining landowner.

Publication date: 27/11/2024

Date of decision: 27/11/2024