Decision details

CRSTS - Manvers Street Maintenance Challenge Funding

Decision Maker: Director of Place Management

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Manvers Street Remediation Project aims to identify and deliver a long-term maintenance solution to Manvers and Pierrepont Streets, a key arterial road within the Bath traffic network. An initial options appraisal has identified a need for further survey and design work to develop robust proposals for delivery.


To fully approve additional drawdown of £150k from provisional budget for the Manvers Street Remediation Project, to fund Early Contractor Involvement, preliminary design work and further surveys. This is fully funded by CRSTS WECA grant.

Alternative options considered:

Proceeding to delivery without further surveys and design work would represent significant risk in terms of the quality of the proposed solution.

External funding has been allocated to this site for the purposes of identifying a long-term solution for surfacing and stability, therefore there is no saving attached to doing nothing.

Publication date: 25/06/2024

Date of decision: 25/06/2024