Decision details

Bath and North East Somerset Council School Organisation Plan 2023 – 2029 (WL)

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children's Services

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The School Organisation Plan 2023 – 2029 outlines the current level of mainstream and Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) school provision in the Authority and projected pupil numbers up to admissions in September 2027 for primary age and 2029 for secondary age pupils. Estimated pupil numbers and places likely to be required as a consequence of future planned housing development expected to be delivered within the Adopted Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan period up to 2029 are also outlined.


(1)  To approve the proposed strategy for the provision of school places within the 2023–2029 Plan period.


(2)  To agree that the finalised School Organisation Plan 2023–2029 can be published on the Bath and North East Somerset Council website.

Reasons for the decision:

The Local Authority retains responsibility for pupil place planning in its area. In order to do this effectively the Local Authority must identify where new school places will be required as a result of underlying population growth and pupils generated from new housing development, how much additional provision is required and when. This additional provision might be provided via Basic Need funding from the Government or Section 106 (S106) Developer Contributions or Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) as a result of new housing developments.


The Council’s School Organisation Plan is a strategic document that sets out the pupil projection figures and the Council’s strategy for ensuring the provision of sufficient places. The Council has a commitment to ensure that young people with SEND and an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are given the support they need. The Council's priorities are set out in the SEND Education Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2024.


The Plan will serve as a useful planning tool to identify any areas of need, when any investment in places may be needed and at what level and also to inform discussions with Developers concerning S106 Developer Contributions, including land.


The Plan Appendix 1 to this report contains all the information that the Panel should require in order to be able to assess the proposed strategy. A summary of the key issues impacting on pupil place planning is set out below.


Despite significant changes to the educational landscape with the majority of schools becoming Academies and free schools being established, the Local Authority still retains the responsibility for pupil place planning in its area and for ensuring there are sufficient schools available.


Due to the delivery of new schools and school expansions over recent years and to one further expansion at St Keyna Primary school in Keynsham currently being planned, primary school provision is expected to be sufficient within the Plan period.


Should future proposed new housing development identified in the Local Plan in a particular area be projected to result in a shortfall of primary school places, the Authority will apply CIL funding or seek S106 Developer Contributions to provide additional school places. These places are likely to be delivered via the expansion of existing schools.


need, when any investment in places may be needed and at what level and also to inform discussions with Developers concerning S106 Developer Contributions, including land.


The Plan Appendix 1 to the report contains all the information that the Panel should require in order to be able to assess the proposed strategy. A summary of the key issues impacting on pupil place planning is set out below.


Despite significant changes to the educational landscape with the majority of schools becoming Academies and free schools being established, the Local Authority still retains the responsibility for pupil place planning in its area and for ensuring there are sufficient schools available.


Due to the delivery of new schools and school expansions over recent years and to one further expansion at St Keyna Primary school in Keynsham currently being planned, primary school provision is expected to be sufficient within the Plan period.


Should future proposed new housing development identified in the Local Plan in a particular area be projected to result in a shortfall of primary school places, the Authority will apply CIL funding or seek S106 Developer Contributions to provide additional school places. These places are likely to be delivered via the expansion of existing schools.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 04/03/2024

Date of decision: 04/03/2024

Effective from: 12/03/2024

Accompanying Documents: