Decision details

Delegated Authority in Legal Proceedings

Decision Maker: Director of People and Policy

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Purpose: a matter specific delegation of authority to facilitate the efficient discharge of Council functions in relation to a cross boarder investigation and prosecution of offences and recovery of proceeds of crime.

Background: BANES have outsourced the financial investigation work relating to an investigation undertaken with Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council. The offences include fraud and money laundering.


In accordance with section 2.35.3. Section C - Proper Officer Functions of the Constitution the Team Leader (Place & Resources Legal Teams) hereby delegates authority to Rebecca Taylor (Accredited Financial Investigator) of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council the power to:-

1) institute and conduct all civil and criminal proceedings; and/or

2) defend or participate in any legal proceedings brought against the Council (or its employees as a result of actions incurred during the course of their employment) or where the Council’s interests are affected and to negotiate settlement; and /or

3) institute and conduct all proceedings and procedures to implement and enforce any decision of the Council;

on behalf of Bath and North East Somerset Council only in relation to a specified individual pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding dated 04/05/23. For the avoidance of doubt this authorisation is in place from 04/05/23.

Alternative options considered:

None. BANES do not have the necessary level of expertise.

Publication date: 13/07/2023

Date of decision: 25/05/2023