Decision details

Bath City Centre Security (WL)

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Transport, Cabinet Member for Resources

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To formalise an increase in budget to enable award of contract to implement City Centre Security measures due to exceptional cost increases since the scheme budget was set in February 2020. This will utilise corporate supported borrowing funding currently reserved in the Capital Programme Contingency.


(1)  To agree that works should proceed on York Street, and reconfiguration of the scheme should be delivered in a phased approach during 2022/23 and 2023/24, subject to approval of 2023/24 budget growth.


(2)  To approve further sums from the remaining provisional budget of £848k to bring the total budget allocation for the City Centre to £3.03m.


(3)  To award the contract to Volker Highways, for works orders to be issued.

Reasons for the decision:

1.1  The NaCTSO report, together with correspondence with the Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Constabulary, sets out the need to further protect Bath City Centre’s most crowded places,giving ahealth andsafety risk.Any delaycould beseen negatively if any incident did occur within any period where the implementation was delayed due to funding. This risk is low


In July 2021 Cabinet approved the TRO (for anti-terrorism purposes)for advertisementsuch thatit wouldoperate between 1000 hours and 1800 hours on the following streets:


(1)  Lower Borough Walls, Stall Street, including Abbeygate Street, Abbey Green, Swallow Street (South), Bath Street and Hot Bath Street


(2)  York Street


1.3 Approved the TRO (for anti-terrorism purposes) for advertisement such that it would operate between 1000 hours and 1800 hours on the following streets:


(1)  Cheap Street, Westgate Street, Saw Close and Upper Borough Walls


with access to the restricted streets also being provided to Blue Badge Holders, carers transporting Blue Badge Holders, and taxi’s transporting Blue Badge Holders. Access would be provided via Controlled Authorised Access by the Council’s CCTV team.


1.4  To advertise the TRO between 1800 hours and 2200 hours on York Street, to reflect its proximity to the Roman Baths and to support the increased footfall from Terrace Walk through York Street to the new Clore Learning Centre and World Heritage Centre. The Roman Baths, Clore Learning Centre and World HeritageCentre will,at times,will beopen lateinto theevening.


1.5  On 1 January 2022, vehicles were permanently restricted in streetsnamed at3.1 (1)and 3.2 (1)above andfollowing Public Inquiry and the Inspector finding in favour of the Council, permanently restrict vehicles as per 3.1 (2) and 3.3 above.


1.6  On20 June2022, worksbegan toreplace allthe temporary measures, with advance ducting, diversion of statutory undertaker supplies and install permanent bollards


1.7  Followingtender exercise,via ProContract,the soletenderer had completed the tender incorrectly and therefore, was disqualified


1.8  VolkerHighways havebeen appointedand havedrawn upa price for the works in accordance with the “Highway Maintenance and Improvement Works” term contract.


1.9  Itshould alsobe notedthat atthe timethat thescheme budget was set in 2019, these were budget level costs only, and that costsrelating tothe followingwould nothave beenanticipated:


(i)  Informal and formal consultation exercises relating to the Anti- Terrorism Traffic Regulation Orders, including specialist engagementadvice particularlyin relationto BlueBadge holders.

(ii)  Costsrelating tothe deliveryand managementof temporary access restrictions to City Centre streets including Planning hospitality requests.

Largenumbers ofATTRO/ TROoptions consideredas aresult of the public consultation, all with detailed risk assessments.

(iv)  Significantcosts fortrial excavations.

(v)  SignificantadditionalStatutoryundertakers’diversioncosts.

(vi)  Significantadditionaltrafficmanagement measures costs.

TheMaterial priceindex inthe Highwaysterm contractindicates prices increased on average by 1.5% in 2021, but now have increased a further 7.9% in 2022.

Alternative options considered:

Consideration to descope the scheme was considered, however, any mitigations to save costs will seriously compromise the security provision within the city centre security scheme and were discounted.


However, the scheme will be rephased over 2022-23 and 2023-24; with any additional capital requests via the budget setting process for 2023/24.

Publication date: 24/10/2022

Date of decision: 24/10/2022

Effective from: 01/11/2022

Accompanying Documents: