Decision details
Energy Efficiency Retrofitting and Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (WL)
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for PIanning and Licensing
Decision status: Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Following the Council’s Climate
Emergency declaration, the existing Sustainable Construction &
Retrofitting SPD and Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy in
Historic Buildings SPD have been reviewed and combined in order to
better align with, and help deliver, the core aims of this
resolution by providing more positive, practical and up-to-date
advice to improve the energy efficiency of B&NES’s
building stock. The reviewed and combined draft ‘Energy
Efficiency Retrofitting & Sustainable Construction SPD’
has been subject to statutory consultation under Regulation 12 (b)
of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England)
Regulations 2012. Following consideration of the issues raised in
the consultation and some amendments to the SPD it is proposed to
approve and adopt the final version.
The Cabinet Member agrees:
o Delegated authority for the Head of Planning to make any necessary editorial changes, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Licensing, prior to the adoption of the Energy Efficiency Retrofitting & Sustainable Construction SPD; and
o The Energy Efficiency Retrofitting & Sustainable Construction SPD is then adopted.
Reasons for the decision:
Following consultation with key stakeholders and statutory consultation under Regulation 12 (b) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, the revised EERSC SPD will provide up to date guidance to supplement the adopted Local Plan (Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan) and the proposed updates within the Local Plan Partial Update and how energy efficiency can be maximised through retrofitting and sustainable construction.
Alternative options considered:
Publication date: 02/02/2022
Date of decision: 28/01/2022
Effective from: 10/02/2022
Accompanying Documents:
- E3336 Energy Efficiency, Retrofitting & Sustainable Construction SPD Review PDF 106 KB
- E3336 Appendix 1: Retrofitting and Sustainable Construction SPD PDF 20 MB
- E3336 Appendix 2: Equality Impact Assessment of SPD PDF 316 KB
- E3336 Appendix 3: SEA Screening Report of SPD PDF 210 KB
- E3336 Appendix 4: Consultation Statement of SPD following statutory consultation period PDF 340 KB
- E3336 Energy Efficiency, Retrofitting and Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Review PDF 166 KB