Decision details

Proposed Speed Limit Changes - Rural Area

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Transport

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report considers the responses to the formal advertisement of the proposal to introduce sign-only permanent 20mph speed limits on residential roads within Timsbury, Compton Dando, Hinton Charterhouse, Whitchurch and Pensford.


The Cabinet member agrees to implement the speed limit order within the villages outlined as advertised.


Reasons for the decision:

A 20mph speed limit is recommended as other authorities which have introduced 20mph speed limits have evidence to show that it has beneficial effects. They include benefits to the environment, and it can encourage more walking and cycling.

Alternative options considered:

The option of implementing 20mph Speed Limits using traffic calming measures was considered, but the current administration do not support physical traffic calming measures being placed in rural communities, unless there is a proven accident history or road safety requirement at a given location.

Publication date: 20/07/2016

Date of decision: 15/07/2016

Effective from: 28/07/2016

Accompanying Documents: