Decision details

Sydney Gardens Refurbishment – Enabling Works

Decision Maker: Cllr David Dixon

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval of funding to carry out works in support of a bid for external funding to renovate the Gardens


The Cabinet Members agree:


To approve capital expenditure of up to £250k in order to carry out renovation works in Sydney Gardens.


Delegated Authority to spend the above sum, on works identified by a site survey and public consultation, be granted to the Divisional Director of Environmental Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member.

Reasons for the decision:

Surveys undertaken to support a bid for HLF funding have identified that the condition of the Gardens, including some of the listed historic structures and public amenities, is in need of attention. The Council, as landowner, is obliged to maintain listed structures in good order and safe condition. Expenditure will focus on those areas identified as of highest priority in order to address poor condition and meet the requirements of site visitors.


Although there can be no guarantee that the HLF would consider this expenditure to count as “match funding” by the Council, addressing the need to safeguard the condition of the assets within the Gardens is likely to be considered as a positive contribution whereas to stand by and allow further decline is unlikely to be seen favourably by the HLF when considering whether to support a project in the future.

Alternative options considered:

To not undertake works

This would lead to further deterioration of assets and send negative signals to the HLF and would be likely to create problems in meeting our obligations as set out above. It would also mean that the Gardens would not be in a position to benefit from any mitigation funding which may be available from Network Rail.

Publication date: 05/02/2015

Date of decision: 02/02/2015

Effective from: 13/02/2015

Accompanying Documents: